Jesse Janssen

Industrial design. Product Development. Prototyping.

About Me

My name is Jesse and I am a product designer located in the Netherlands. My journey as a designer started at the Technical University of Eindhoven where I studied Industrial Design and graduated in 2019. Currently I work as a freelance designer and as a mathematics & physics tutor for high school students.

When I am not working, I can often be found hiking, juggling or daydreaming.

Industrial Design

Almost everything around us is designed; sometimes better than others. As an industrial designer I look for opportunities to create meaningful products, and by doing so I hope to improve peoples day to day experience and interaction with the world around them.

Product Development

After conceptualizing a product should be well thought through and tested before being sold. End users often give meaningful insights, that is why I as a designer like to involve the end user throughout the whole design process.


In my experience, prototyping is one of the most important steps in order to achieve optimal results. In my personal workshop, I have access to multiple 3D printers, a spray-paint setup, and a space where I create silicone molds, among other tools.

Design Research

My education was very focused on the theoretical side of design. During my studies I learned how to perform scientifical research, as well as how to implement theoretical design frameworks.


I am a very hands on designer. I enjoy both low and high quality prototyping, which have their own time and space. Early on in the design process a prototype should answer certain questions in a time efficient manner, where as later on in the process, it should enable people to experience what the end product would feel like.

User Testing

In my designs, I like to involve the end users as much as possible. Every design case is different, and so every user test is different. During my studies I learned various frameworks, but like to be open minded when it comes to user testing and use my common sense to decide how a user study is performed.

CAD engineering

Solidworks for me, is what Lego is for a boy. It is not only a very useful tool for design, but also a way for me to lose track of time and just explore what is possible in terms of from and function. Besides Solidworks I also work with Fusion360.


Visualisation is a powerful tool both for communicating with the client, as well as with other designers. I enjoy sketching a lot, which i mostly do digitally for an optimized workflow. I also am familiar with rendering CAD files to produce photorealistic results/.

3D Printing

I am experienced with 3D printing, drawing/modifying 3D files, and various slicer software packages. In my personal workshop I have multiple 3D printers available which I often use.


In order to produce interactive prototypes I often use Arduino IDE. This software enables me to create more meaningful and interactive prototypes, by integrating and programming led's, motors, or even lcd displays.

Source: Wildrosebuilds